Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rough Week

What a week its been on this end of the world!! I don't know where to start!!
First off I'll talk about Granddaddy. He was check into the hospital on Tuesday for a double Heart Cath. The doctors saw a lot of things that they did not like. They kept him over night to run some test to see if he needed to have open heart surgery. Well the news we got wasn't so great. One artery is 100% blocked while another one is 90% blocked. He turned down on having the surgery, also because the doctors said that he probably wouldn't not make it. So now what are we doing??
We are living every day like it is any normal day and going from there...
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!
Upcoming events for this weekend : Thomas and Maddy's 1st birthday party on Saturday!! Callaway Gardens on Saturday with Adam's family!! :)


We are the Smith Family said...

Saying prayers for you and your family...hoping the weekend brings you lots of laughter and joy!!!