Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kay and Kin's new tricks!!

Kaydence and Kinsley have been practicing for Tracy T. to take their pictures again in a month. They are staying with us Friday night!! I'm so excited!! This is going to be a busy busy week.
First of all, prayer request... Adam!! He is very sick.. I haven't seen him because he can't be near me. So I hope he gets better really soon!!
Friday- we have company.. Kay and Kin
Saturday- we are going up to Marietta for "Sibling Night" at Skyler's house.
Hope all is well.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Monkeys!!

Kaydence and Kinsley are growing way too fast!! They can now sit up by themselves... with a little wibble wobble.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Universal Studios

I didn't take as many pictures this year at Universal as I did last year, but here and a few of them. Enjoy :)

Monday, March 16, 2009


The rest of the Disney pictures are on my Facebook. I'll but some Universal pictures up as soon as I download them. :)
This last week we spent Spring Break in Disneyworld, Universal Studios, and Islands of Adventures. We had a BLAST!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Now and Then

I was sitting here thinking about how the last 9 months have just flown by. A lot has happened in the 9 months. There have been hard times but the great time overcome all of that!! I hope all is well with everyone. We are in Marietta right now, but going back to Lagrange tomorrow. On Thursday we are going to Disneyworld!! :)
Have a great week!!
ps. I don't know how to get the underline off :(

Adam and I then
Adam and I now

Kaydence and Kinsley then

Kaydence and Kinsley now

Friday, March 6, 2009

So Funny!!

Kaydence then wanted to show Kinsley that she is the boss
Kinsley was all smiles, but Kaydence wanted the toys

I have felt really bad lately cause I haven't seen Kaydence and Kinsley in a week. I know... "bad Auntie Heather" but I have been very bust getting ready for midterms and Spring Break. Today, however I got to spend some time with my little buddies today!! I had to include these pictures because I thought they were funny!! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. We are getting our stuff together to head to Marietta for the to celebrate Adam's birthday!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Will the week ever end??

My Spring Break offically starts Friday at 6pm!! However, I feel like that is never going to come!! We've only have 4 days of school but they seem to be dragging out!! I'm so looking forward to our weekend in Marietta!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Little Haley

I got the chance to go see little Haley Thursday. :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow Day!!

We had a WONDERFUL snow day!! We left Marietta around 1030 to come back to Lagrange. I am so glad we left when we did because the further south we drove the worse the weather got. What normally only takes an hour and a half to get from Adam's to our house this time it took almost 4!!! We got off the interstate in Greenville because it was looking ugly. Little did you know... the roads in Greenville were awful!! We saw cars sliding all over the roads. It took us an hour and half to go 20 miles from Greenville to Lagrange. As we were going those 20 miles we saw 6 wrecks!!! I am so glad that Adam is such a great driver, and that he has 4 wheel drive on his truck. When we finally made it home we all got in warm clothes and went to play!! Here are some pictures my dad came out to take of us!!
As of right now Troup County schools are closed tomorrow. I'm waiting to hear if Childcare Network and Columbus schools will close, and I'm praying they will!! Hope everyone stays warm!!